Writing is hard work! You need to take care of yourself in order to evoke your best creative efforts. But when a writer is on a deadline (or a hot streak!), it is hard to remember or to take the time to eat right. Instead of snacking on chips and gallons of coffee or soda, keep some good stuff on hand:
1. low fat string cheese (individually wrapped and sold in bags with 8 – 10 inside, dairy aisle)
2. yogurt with fruit and granola toppings (they now come packaged this way so there is no excuse!)
3. dark chocolate almonds (they are sold in individual packets and big bags in the nut section of grocery store)
4. frozen red grapes
5. herbal tea and/or your favorite smoothie, such as this Berry Smoothie
INGREDIENTS: 8 oz water, 4 oz plain yogurt, 1 cup assorted frozen berries, 1/2 cup frozen banana, 1/2 cup coconut milk. Combine in blender until smooth and creamy and enjoy!
Also, be sure to get up every hour and stretch and/or walk around for five minutes. Set a timer if you need to…