Writing is often perceived as a solitary occupation. However, that is not true. These days there are so many ways to connect with other writers and readers, which you need to do. Here are the best ways to make these connections:
- Social Media. This covers a lot of ground, such as blogging, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. Make a list of your favorites and then find out where your audience is. There is no point in being on Instagram if your audience is on LinkedIn. Narrow down the list to just one or two so that you don’t spend hours daily trying to be everywhere. It is better to make a strong presence on one site than trying to be everywhere. Think of all the things you can do to reach your audience, such as guest blogging, video book trailers, and a Facebook Fan Page.
- Grow your email list. It goes without saying that in this day and age authors need a website. While you can also have a Goodreads or Facebook page, you need to have a separate author site where you can control all content, offer book giveaways, and announce author news (such as upcoming releases). Whatever else you choose to do, this is a must. Be sure to post good content consistently. Encourage interaction by asking for comments and offering advice and giveaways.
- Attend book events to learn the latest publishing trends, network, and more. Here is a list of the top events for 2017:
BookExpoAmerica (BEA)/BookCon: May 31 – June 4. New York City, NY. http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/
ALA Annual Conference: June 22 – 27. Chicago, IL. http://2017.alaannual.org/
Frankfurt Book Fair: October 11 – 15. Frankfurt, Germany. http://www.book-fair.com/en/
The best advice we can offer you is to take some time in December and January to write a plan for the year. This should include a writing schedule and all book promotions/marketing/events. Decide how many books you will write and how you will promote them to ensure their success. Plans need to be in motion weeks or months prior to a book launch date, so take that into account during your planning. Make this your year to grow and flourish as a writer! You deserve it!